Philanthropic Advisor, John Muir Health Foundation
As Donor Relations Director for the John Muir Health Foundation, Anne Marie Taylor is a seasoned philanthropy leader focused on visionary and innovative community-benefit fundraising. She is leading the Conquer Cancer, Close to Home campaign raising support for building a world-class Comprehensive Cancer Center on the JMH Walnut Creek hospital campus. In partnership with UCSF, this Center will providing patients with the best possible care when they are fighting for their lives against oncology disease.
Anne Marie previously worked as Vice President for JFK University, developing and leading major gift initiatives that helped launch the Veterans Success Center, Institute of Entrepreneurial Leadership, Elder Law Clinic, Community Counseling Center, Academic Resource Center, and the Sanford Institute of Philanthropy. She is skilled at strategic donor relationships, connecting funders with focused nonprofit causes that have significant community impact on vulnerable populations.
An active East Bay resident for the past 35 years, she is active in local leadership roles with East Bay Leadership Council, Keiretsu Forum, JMH Community Benefits Oversight Committee, Tuesday Forum of Professional Women, Walnut Creek Centennial Committee, East Bay Philanthropy Awards, Kerosene Lamp Foundation, DRAA Women’s Arts Alliance, and PG&E Community Action Panel.